Our Five-step process

When you seek financial advice, we’ll take a step-by-step approach to help you reach your goals. Here’s what you can expect:

Step 01

At an initial meeting you’ll find out more about us and get a sense about how we can help you. We’ll ask you some questions and begin forming a comprehensive understanding of your goals and any financial challenges you may be facing. We’ll give you information about financial advice costs too.

Step 02

We’ll help you clarify and define your goals and understand your current financial position. Together, we’ll agree on the main financial areas to focus on.

Step 03

When we’re preparing your financial plan, we’ll consider the financial strategies most likely to help you reach your goals and give you recommendations and our financial advice in writing.

Step 04

We’ll discuss our recommendations with you and you’ll decide how to proceed from there.

Step 05

If you would like us to, we can periodically review your objectives, achievements and ongoing needs.